Ancient Healing Ways
with Pip Bondy

An Introduction to Vision Quest
Bristol, March 1st 2025

As at certain point you say to the, woods, to the sea, to the mountains, the world, Now I am ready. Now I will stop and be wholly attentive. You empty yourself and wait, listening…… You wait, give your life’s length to this listening
Annie Dillard – teaching a stone to talk
This is a great opportunity to explore what a Vision Quest is and what it could mean for you before committing.
Vision Quest is an ancient ceremony in modern times. It marks the move from one life transition to another; allowing the past, placing ourselves in the present and creating our ceremony with the tools and teachings from our own lives. Many people experience feelings of being “lost“ in today’s world with its lack of initiation rites. In traditional societies there is an understanding that to keep balance and survive we need to live a life that includes the connection a Rites of Passage ceremony gives us.
We will be watching a DVD of a youth Rites of Passage, exploring the history and cross-cultural roots. You will have the chance to ask questions as well as explore some of the topics below.
Sitting in Council we will explore the following questions:
What it means to be a truly adult in today’s culture.
What is human maturity?
If rites like these have existed for thousands of years, do they still hold value for us in the 21st century?
What might be the value of living alone for 3 or 4 days and nights in the wilderness without food?
What does this kind of experience have to do with adulthood and maturity?
What abilities are tested and are these abilities necessary to be truly adult?
Start: Saturday, March 1st at 7pm, finish by 9pm Cost – £35:
For more info about this event and to book a place – Contact, Pippa 07814959613