Ancient Healing Ways
with Pip Bondy

Wild Nature - Human Nature
For Future Evolution. Eryri National Park, North Wales.
June 8th - 14th 2024

“The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of earth.”
― Thomas Berry
Many people have contacted me over the past year or two, about offering a course for eco-therapists and others, whose field of work is focused on the relationship between people and nature. This course is for anyone on the path of personal wholeness, committed to serving your people, your community, and the Earth, moving towards, justice, peace and love.
As many of you know, my daughter Rowan died almost three years ago. This threw me into one of the deepest, bleakest, dark nights of the soul, one I could never have imagined. In essence, these last few years have been a taking apart, a bringing down of everything I thought I knew, shattering my foundations; asking me to sit in this poverty of my being and surrender into my own groundlessness.
This has been profoundly humbling and heart opening. And, through this time of brokenness and despair, grief has given me the opportunity to embrace the mystery; to eventually reclaim the graces and gifts that are always here, no matter what, an opening for my soul, an opening to creativity birthed out of groundless chaos – An incubator for stepping into another Rites of Passage.
As we move into 2024, I feel the ‘call’ to offer this course as a ceremony, in service to the Earth. To honour and acknowledge our planet, to do our bit to heal ourselves and the tragedies and suffering across the world so apparent right now.
“Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher.”
― William Wordsworth
What we will do –
o We will build on the experience of the Way of Council and deepen into this practice; creating a container that is safe to welcome everything that needs to be shared, heard and seen.
o Opening up Dyad Councils - in these one-to one Councils we will be learning & surrendering to a radical acceptance of ourselves and others with all our ordinary human foibles. This deep acknowledgment, including everything dark and light, good and bad, cracks us open to the sacred, revealing that deep within and behind our story is a pathway to our own healing, spirituality and purpose.
o We will not abandon, or be abandoned; we come to recognise that we are not alone on our path; as our compassion and empathy become alive, we see that shared values and integrity creates community with each other and the Earth as an interconnected whole.
o Intention. We will deepen our understanding of the power of intention; learning how to support others to create meaningful intentions that track the web of connections in our lives.
o Stepping through a threshold into the natural world we will experience and learn how time in nature can be a direct mirror; as metaphor and symbols which open a pathway to our soul’s calling.
o How to listen to a story - to bear witness and mirror back a story without fixing or giving advice; showing the treasures, symbols and pearls of wisdom that support another in taking their seat and moving along on their path.
o Opening to the love and the truth of the natural world as deep spirit, touching our hearts, as teacher, friend, and companion, enabling us to serve the world. We may come to see deep, intimate wounds as the very sacredness of our human life. And love lies behind and inside everything.
“And we are put on earth a little space, that we may learn to bear the beams of love”
​William Blake
Requirements to participate –
To gain the most from this course – you need to have participated in at least one Way of Council weekend with me, and preferably a Deepening Practice of Council, and or a Vision Quest. Please do enquire if you would like to join, but don't fit into these requirements.
Who is this for -
This course is for those whose work may be holding therapy sessions in natural spaces, or leading groups or individuals on wilderness retreats or other nature connection experiences. This includes teachers who work with young people reconnecting them with nature, eco-therapists, Vision Fast / Rites of Passage guides, and those who aspire to step into this way of working.
​“Nature is the art of God.” ― Dante Alghieri
What we may learn and receive –
o The art of listening to the Earth, the seasons, the elements, and all beings with honour.
o A greater understanding of the interconnectedness and unity of the world of nature, and human nature, as one.
o Recognition that we are not separate, but one interwoven web of life, consciousness and energy.
“The earth has music for those who listen.” ― William Shakespeare
“Here is someone who really walks her talk, is ordinary, humble, wearing her gifts lightly and yet there they are, shining, for those who can see. Her energy and care is obvious, from her own deep connection with herself and the land. Like a sculptor with gentle nudges and prompts; a true teacher, she helped me to uncover my own gifts. Thank you Pip! “
- Sara, Devon
“The poetry of the earth is never dead.”
― John Keats

For more details contact: pippa@ancienthealingways.co.uk
Tel - 44 (0) 7814959613
Start: Saturday 8th, June at 6pm finish Friday 14th,
by 5pm -
Cost: £650, (including £150, non refundable deposit) - This This a residential retreat.