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Ancient Healing Ways
with Pip Bondy

Way of Council & Dreamwork
November 29th - December 1st 2024

An opportunity to work with Council & your Dreams
Our dream world brings into the day what lies in our unconscious from the depths of the night. Dreams bring together opposites, to help balance and bring us towards wholeness. Dreams help light the way forward in our lives. Dreams open our creatively, our imagination, our depth, they move us away from a liner life and take us into symbols, myths, and archetypes of the gods. Dreams open us to our most inner riches of our soul and help guide us towards our destiny.
Our everyday mind and life is made of opposites and diversity. A dream often points this out and shows us where we are stuck or lost. A dream throws up an image or a situation that represents this diversity inside us, and when we allow these images and symbols to have their life, and stay present with the polarities within ourselves, a healing third can take place, like the universe cracking open and bringing forth an understanding and balance.
In our Way of Council & Dreamwork we will be sharing in a Council form and setting. We will share, listen and support as our dreams guide our journey into a deeper life.
How do we embrace the Council form?
We need two or more people in a circle, a ‘talking piece’ to focus attention and a few chosen intentions. As the Council carrier I will introduce the guidelines of Council: to speak from the heart; to listen from the heart without judgment; to speak spontaneously and succinctly; to honour confidentiality and to speak what serves: Using a talking piece heightens awareness of space and time and helps focus and empower you, allowing you to speak without interruption and to be heard with full attention.
We will work with this Dream world by:
Learning the skills for accessing and processing your dreams.
Using journal writing, art, poetry, storytelling and drama to guide and deepen your understanding of your dream world.
Deepening this practice through creating ceremony with the dream being the guide.
Making pathways to the language of your dreams and how they are trying to teach and help;
Guiding you towards a deeper knowing and your true nature and deeper self.
Start: Friday Nov' 29th at 6.30 pm, Finish Sunday Dec' 1st by 5 PM,
Cost: £250, Including the deposit of £90, non-residential.
For further details and to book a place
Please contact, Tel: 07814959613
My dream Work Training and experience
I studied and trained in Switzerland with Marion Woodman, Jungian dream analyst, in 2002.
Then, studied and trained as a Transformative dream work professional practitioner with Maggie Peters, UK 2003. Since then I have been offering Way of Council and Dream Ceremonies.
"You must give birth to your images.
They are the future waiting to be born….
Fear not the strangeness you feel.
The future must enter you long before it happens…. Just wait for the birth
for the hour of clarity" -
Rainer Maria Rilke

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